Clan Rankings - By Total Networth (2 Member Minimum)
Clan Name Tag Members Average Networth Total Networth
Regime Regime 4 $3,080,434,796 $12,321,739,184
Ganja Warriors GrowerZ 3 $893,480,121 $2,680,440,363
HitmeN Inc. HitmeN 6 $258,953,989 $1,553,723,933
Mount Olympias MO 6 $187,945,981 $1,127,675,888
The Netheral Elite NE 2 $49,076,918 $98,153,836
Life And Death LFaDT 2 $44,516,989 $89,033,978
AllSquare AS 4 $25,092,982 $100,371,926
The Golden Horde TGH 4 $18,738,227 $74,952,909
Dingo Conspiritors DingCon 4 $5,510,805 $22,043,218
35/44 (80%) clans didn't have enough members to make this list.
35/76 (46%) empires were independent.

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