Promisance Top 10 Listing
There were 47 players in the game, out of 209 created.
67 empires had been destroyed, and 95 empires had been abandoned.
0 accounts had been disabled by Administration.

Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Dead, Disabled, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Race Era Score O D K
27 Mallonius (#4) 14,772 $11,252,231 Drow Future 129 980 (91%) 1074 (9%) 1
16 wizards realm (#66) 10,339 $10,194,400 Dwarf Future 458 792 (89%) 884 (9%) 0
6 Revenge (#83) 2,952 $3,832,383 Elf Past 991 1076 (91%) 876 (5%) 6
47 Hoggle (#183) 26,475 $23,594,306 Dwarf Past -388 261 (94%) 820 (2%) 1
26 glavodil (#79) 2,590 $2,422,383 Elf Future 170 564 (88%) 770 (7%) 0
20 Lukonia (#106) 19,283 $22,292,009 Drow Future 301 754 (96%) 642 (12%) 0
8 Darkness (#94) 4,774 $10,892,649 Drow Future 835 925 (96%) 610 (24%) 0
2 ArchmageMajere (#110) 891 $1,166,949 Elf Future 3820 1224 (84%) 597 (8%) 4
28 ReliableAutomotiveServiceCenter (#112) 2,980 $3,833,051 Drow Past 93 666 (83%) 578 (14%) 0
23 scooby-doo (#124) 8,304 $8,328,815 Gnome Past 210 728 (90%) 572 (8%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Race Era Score O D K

QM Promisance
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