Promisance Clan Members Listing
Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
1 Scotsmen for Wimbledon (#8) 18,327 $23,828,112 Livid Dwarf Future 307 (93%) 264 (5%) 0
2 Make way for my Yamaha R6 (#38) 11,948 $18,551,636 Livid Goblin Future 323 (95%) 251 (9%) 0
3 Gondor (#5) 7,920 $65,721,573 Livid Gnome Past 147 (95%) 181 (5%) 0
4 Ovi1 (#11) 2,968 $20,861,407 Livid Drow Present 210 (95%) 178 (8%) 0
5 Darkblood (#14) 9,385 $18,547,234 Livid Drow Past 179 (89%) 163 (2%) 0
6 Anello di Muerte (#18) 14,094 $23,553,376 Livid Goblin Past 229 (95%) 152 (16%) 0
7 Civeta Dei (#4) 15,318 $16,328,457 Livid Dwarf Future 223 (90%) 144 (8%) 0
8 Correct and Create (#21) 7,681 $27,453,462 Livid Drow Past 217 (94%) 141 (4%) 0
9 Lu Xavi (#25) 10,733 $20,284,219 Livid Elf Past 170 (91%) 98 (7%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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