Promisance Clan Members Listing
Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
1 Krikkit (#25) 14,997 $63,185,941 CAP Drow Present 154 (90%) 124 (2%) 0
2 Dark Tower (#8) 11,212 $27,995,555 CAP Elf Past 203 (97%) 149 (8%) 0
3 the tickler (#51) 8,277 $25,598,007 CAP Elf Past 169 (91%) 126 (11%) 0
4 Yackabodi (#75) 17,636 $20,766,964 CAP Gremlin Past 277 (95%) 360 (2%) 0
5 Adonis Eisa (#37) 17,318 $19,105,947 CAP Gremlin Present 419 (93%) 412 (5%) 0
6 Hi (#111) 14,646 $15,357,712 CAP Dwarf Present 115 (95%) 60 (8%) 1
7 White_DWarf (#35) 7,383 $9,536,803 CAP Gremlin Past 96 (100%) 194 (5%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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