Promisance Clan Members Listing
Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
1 Target (#36) 8,905 $6,118,964 L`O`A Gremlin Future 506 (93%) 448 (3%) 0
2 Wonderer (#8) 6,133 $5,067,882 L`O`A Gnome Present 302 (88%) 403 (4%) 0
3 nigrahc (#79) 2,830 $12,199,311 L`O`A Drow Past 314 (98%) 210 (5%) 0
4 Once, twice, it's all the same (#37) 2,537 $6,055,213 L`O`A Drow Present 184 (96%) 186 (3%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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