Promisance Clan Members Listing
Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
1 Pretending (#155) 2,353 $1,579,921 BOOMstik Human Past 202 (88%) 88 (5%) 2
2 The rogue Merc (#62) 3,880 $9,904,209 BOOMstik Drow Past 182 (99%) 132 (19%) 1
3 Red Dragon Empire (#44) 6,315 $4,607,333 BOOMstik Gnome Present 340 (88%) 207 (15%) 0
4 Phosphorescent Desert Buttons (#4) 4,377 $2,463,417 BOOMstik Elf Past 351 (95%) 400 (1%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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