Clan Rankings - By Total Networth (3 Member Minimum)
Clan Name Tag Members Average Networth Total Networth
Copper CU 10 $30,927,129 $309,271,293
Forlorn Freelancer Forlorn 3 $72,201,611 $216,604,832
Loud Farm 5 $30,960,977 $154,804,886
Emerald Warriors Emerald 6 $23,023,498 $138,140,986
BOOMstik BOOMstik 6 $16,412,776 $98,476,654
BOOMstik's Melee skwad BEATstik 9 $9,001,224 $81,011,014
Redwall Warlords RWL 3 $14,496,555 $43,489,665
SPARTANS DLSS 4 $7,709,809 $30,839,234
CUCUCUCUCU CUCU 5 $5,759,184 $28,795,921
3/12 (25%) clans didn't have enough members to make this list.
17/197 (9%) empires were independent.

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