Clan Rankings - By Total Networth (3 Member Minimum)
Clan Name Tag Members Average Networth Total Networth
The Elven Archers Elven 8 $16,666,915 $133,335,322
The Bloodlust BL()()D 10 $10,913,578 $109,135,776
The Council Dominion 3 $35,918,899 $107,756,696
The Terminators *<--->* 11 $6,961,015 $76,571,170
Friendly Foe FF 9 $7,971,753 $71,745,778
Salashar H.confed 3 $6,137,188 $18,411,565
3/9 (33%) clans didn't have enough members to make this list.
49/96 (51%) empires were independent.

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