Promisance Top 10 Listing
There were 61 players in the game, out of 225 created.
21 empires had been destroyed, and 145 empires had been abandoned.
0 accounts had been disabled by Administration.

Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Dead, Disabled, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
23 Silvanesti (#52) 11,579 $11,189,334 Four Elf Past 582 (91%) 196 (17%) 2
54 oblivious spectrum (#122) 4,426 $3,420,124 Elven Elf Past 503 (82%) 288 (9%) 0
25 Grim (#73) 9,835 $9,554,819 H&P INC Gnome Past 398 (81%) 152 (12%) 0
16 Sheer (#26) 16,912 $16,237,214 Four Orc Past 360 (90%) 374 (14%) 1
8 Estonia (#113) 77,216 $71,313,944 Global Orc Past 343 (89%) 172 (16%) 0
37 Rockvale (#46) 10,270 $7,280,650 None Elf Past 329 (80%) 355 (42%) 0
14 The Kombucha Mushroom People (#105) 24,323 $17,034,481 Four Gnome Future 315 (88%) 205 (14%) 2
39 diablos relm (#14) 7,465 $7,041,121 MLP Goblin Past 311 (76%) 126 (9%) 0
36 Doppelganger (#94) 6,726 $7,369,113 H&P INC Elf Future 309 (79%) 180 (19%) 0
22 Mordor (#89) 9,508 $11,625,923 Four Drow Past 308 (95%) 224 (29%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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