Clan Rankings - By Average Networth (3 Member Minimum)
Clan Name Tag Members Average Networth Total Networth
Exodus Death 3 $87,774,857 $263,324,572
CRIMSON FLAME Flame 10 $43,768,512 $437,685,124
The Boomstick Brotherhood BOOMstik 6 $9,437,761 $56,626,567
French Connection French 8 $8,503,379 $68,027,035
Dark Army DA 6 $8,206,432 $49,238,590
Clan United United 9 $6,378,703 $57,408,323
The Imperial Mogwai Mogwai 3 $2,932,510 $8,797,531
3/10 (30%) clans didn't have enough members to make this list.
30/78 (38%) empires were independent.

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