Clan Rankings - By Average Networth (3 Member Minimum)
Clan Name Tag Members Average Networth Total Networth
The Bloodlust BL()()D 10 $18,323,978 $183,239,776
Fat Aussie Bastards (.)(.) 8 $18,143,292 $145,146,333
Armed and Ready AaR 6 $11,758,795 $70,552,767
Slim Aussie Bastards (,)(,) 7 $10,927,775 $76,494,428
Warriors of Anarchy WoA 11 $8,862,815 $97,490,967
WARRIORS OF THE ANARCHIST WotA 7 $6,347,052 $44,429,365
8/14 (57%) clans didn't have enough members to make this list.
25/258 (10%) empires were independent.

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