Promisance Clan Members Listing
Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
1 TRoll With Butter (#50) 2,046 $3,708,057 AaR Troll Past 322 (92%) 528 (15%) 0
2 Jolumba, Duel Master (#78) 22,720 $32,372,764 AaR Dwarf Future 310 (85%) 361 (8%) 0
3 Saint's Return (#154) 2,263 $1,931,147 AaR Dwarf Present 237 (86%) 200 (16%) 0
4 Resurrection of the Lilacs (#74) 21,382 $21,213,075 AaR Drow Past 188 (93%) 187 (19%) 0
5 Isoucmqzocns (#246) 9,416 $8,009,108 AaR Dwarf Past 64 (81%) 20 (10%) 0
6 KangXi (#238) 3,303 $3,318,616 AaR Human Present 56 (93%) 56 (23%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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