Promisance Clan Members Listing
Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
1 Dark Tower (#18) 13,665 $16,894,181 BL()()D Elf Past 186 (97%) 226 (11%) 0
2 Lefiga (#45) 22,518 $22,562,567 BL()()D Troll Future 319 (92%) 219 (9%) 0
3 Lords of Magic (#27) 9,533 $17,703,511 BL()()D Drow Past 217 (91%) 169 (6%) 0
4 Death Eater - The War Machine (#179) 20,161 $15,400,777 BL()()D Goblin Future 211 (80%) 157 (7%) 0
5 You Will Fall At My Feet (#188) 12,236 $7,093,543 BL()()D Drow Past 177 (85%) 104 (8%) 0
6 Humanoid Typhoon (#192) 13,931 $10,636,198 BL()()D Human Future 179 (92%) 75 (5%) 0
7 Hit'Em'Up (#166) 22,334 $18,649,489 BL()()D Drow Past 181 (93%) 69 (13%) 0
8 I got a UNA tshirt (#181) 9,813 $9,039,728 BL()()D Elf Past 58 (90%) 43 (12%) 0
9 WhacKWhacKClasH! (#200) 8,241 $7,122,173 BL()()D Elf Past 42 (98%) 31 (13%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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