Promisance Clan Members Listing
Color Key: Protected/Vacation, Administrator
Stats Key: O = Offensive Actions (success%), D = Defenses (success%), K = Number of empires killed
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K
1 D'Hara (#36) 4,899 $33,021,161 CU Elf Past 173 (98%) 113 (4%) 1
2 Peragus (#20) 7,854 $59,540,007 CU Drow Past 136 (89%) 135 (28%) 0
3 The Testament (#8) 9,000 $55,883,304 CU Drow Past 137 (92%) 93 (5%) 0
4 Cornball (#38) 6,939 $46,534,279 CU Gremlin Future 391 (97%) 371 (2%) 0
5 Flangia Che Suona Per I Morti (#10) 12,018 $32,007,197 CU Gnome Past 236 (98%) 186 (10%) 0
6 Lowenthal (#27) 6,149 $18,665,217 CU Elf Past 104 (95%) 84 (24%) 0
7 cheif00 (#14) 14,920 $17,053,638 CU Dwarf Past 284 (94%) 252 (6%) 0
8 Olivet Discourse (#41) 8,012 $16,847,273 CU Goblin Future 336 (98%) 355 (6%) 0
9 Dirty Little Secret (#3) 8,651 $15,186,894 CU Dwarf Future 329 (96%) 266 (9%) 0
10 Discordia (#43) 14,505 $14,532,323 CU Goblin Future 267 (97%) 216 (5%) 0
Rank Empire Land Networth Clan Race Era O D K

QM Promisance
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